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Like many organizations all over the world that spread the gospel on a daily basis, TO/WHO focus’ on touching the lives of the athlete at the youth, college, and professional level while also appealing to the coach, parent, or sporting enthusiast.

We believe every person throughout the world is, has, or is connected to sports; not just football. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) suggests that over 90% of the US population has a weekly connection to sport, either through playing, coaching, or watching. It’s not difficult to imagine that this number is higher throughout the rest of the world. TO/WHO utilizes this common thread of sport as a means to deliver the only message of hope, salvation, and a life well spent; to the glory of God alone.

An excerpt from the TO/WHO book characterizes this idea well.
Athlete or spectator. Doctor or lawyer. Teacher or coach. We ALL choose that for which we compete. Yet, the grand competition has nothing to do with me versus you. It’s not about my team verses your team or us against them. The grand competition of life is always for GLORY – my glory versus God’s.”

“One day the competition will end…….To Who?